The Marlborough A&P Show attracts 8,000 – 10,000 through the gate over the two days, with outdoor exhibits, the best of competition, entertainment and numerous other attractions. The show is a major Top of the South community event. Enjoy a great day out with your family with lots of free entertainment for the children.
Gate Charges 2024
To be confirmed
Cash out facilities are available from the EFTPOS tent near the Pavilion.
There is limited parking within A&P Park. Access from either Alabama Road or Maxwell Road. Please be patient as access to the Park can be very congested with exhibitors and pedestrians. Please be courteous at all times to our volunteer gate attendants.
First Aid
First Aid is available at the St John stand located in front of the old grandstand beside the Main Arena.
Food & Drink
There is an extensive range of food and drink stalls in the Food Area or from the carnival area.
Lost Children
Please direct all lost children to the Main Stage.
Police Assistance
Police will be in attendance at A&P Park throughout the Show.
Show Office
The Show Office is located on the first floor of the A & P Pavilion, A&P Park, via Maxwell Road.
Show Safety
Please abide by the safety rules and signage at A&P Park. Follow instructions from Marshalls and Show Officials. Parents please ensure that children do not enter livestock pens or enclosures. Do not poke, hit or irritate animals. Please ensure that you and children in your care do not stand behind horses, cows or bulls – they may not see you there. If visiting the Show with small children we suggest you write your cell phone number on their arm. Should they become separated from you; staff can then easily notify you. The roads within the Showgrounds are open for Emergency and Show vehicles, horses, cattle and other livestock, particularly around the Main Arena and Cattle Rings. Please be aware of vehicular and animal traffic around the Showgrounds particularly if you have children in your care.
Lost Property
All reports of theft and lost property can be made at the Show Office, located on the first floor of the A&P Pavilion near the Maxwell Road entry.